5月16-17日,Bragi 参加由我爱音频网主办的2024亚洲音频展,并出席5月17日(周五) 2024亚洲汽车音频大会发表演讲,届时欢迎莅临展台交流洽谈。
About Bragi:
Bragi was founded in 2013 and launched the world's first Truly Wireless Earphones in 2015. Since then, Bragi has evolved from a promising startup to a market-moving creator of innovative technology, pioneering the category of Truly Wireless Earphones.
Bragi transformed into a software enabler for consumer brands, focusing on scaling its technology after investing over $90 million in software and AI. Now, the Bragi 5 platform enables audio brands to deliver exciting features and user-friendly apps through Mobile App Plugins or Turnkey Apps. With high-end AI capabilities like Voice, Motion, and Context AI, Bragi empowers brands to bring products to market quickly and effectively.
The Bragi Golden Firmware Image provides a stable software foundation that audio brands can leverage to deliver high-quality, certified features while improving user interactions. Bragi also collaborates with chip makers to significantly enhance chip capabilities, providing mobile apps and SDKs that integrate seamlessly across all portfolios.
Additionally, Bragi allows audio features and service developers to access millions of headphones, giving them the ability to sell these features to brands or end users. Integrated services like Spotify, ChatGPT, and 'Hey Google' deliver customizable voice control, AI context detection, and noise reduction, creating a unique listening experience tailored to users' needs.
Bragi成立于2013年,并于2015年推出了世界上第一款真正的无线耳机。从那时起,Bragi已经从一家有前途的初创公司发展成为创新技术的市场创造者,开创了Truly Wireless耳机的先河。
Bragi在软件和人工智能方面投资超过9000万美元后,转型为消费品牌的软件推动者,专注于扩展其技术。现在,Bragi 5平台使音频品牌能够通过移动应用插件或交钥匙应用程序提供令人兴奋的功能和用户友好的应用程序。凭借语音、运动和上下文人工智能等高端人工智能功能,Bragi使品牌能够快速有效地将产品推向市场。
Bragi Golden Firmware Image提供了一个稳定的软件基础,音频品牌可以利用它来提供高质量的认证功能,同时改善用户交互。Bragi还与芯片制造商合作,显著增强芯片功能,提供移动应用程序和SDK,在所有产品组合中无缝集成。
演讲嘉宾姓名:Nikolaj Hviid
职位:Founder and CEO
AI Enabled Headphone Features
Title: AI Enabled Features that Drive Sales
Nikolaj Hviid, founder and CEO of Bragi, is a visionary leader and serial entrepreneur with extensive experience in the consumer electronics industry. His passion for innovation has earned him recognition through hundreds of design awards and more than 30 patents. Nikolaj's groundbreaking contributions, such as inventing hearables and True Wireless Headphones, have earned him prestigious accolades, including two Best of Show awards at CES and Tech5's recognition as Europe's best B2C scale-up.
Nikolaj will be sharing his insights at the Asia Audio Exhibit, where he is set to discuss Bragi's journey and how his team transformed it into a pioneering force in audio technology. His unwavering dedication to quality and creativity has shaped Bragi into a market-moving leader that empowers brands worldwide with state-of-the-art technology and unique user experiences. Despite his impressive achievements, Nikolaj remains focused on his mission to redefine the industry and enhance the way we experience audio.
Bragi创始人兼首席执行官Nikolaj Hviid是一位富有远见的领导者和连续创业者,在消费电子行业拥有丰富的经验。他对创新的热情为他赢得了数百项设计奖项和30多项专利。Nikolaj的开创性贡献,如发明了可听设备和True Wireless耳机,为他赢得了久负盛名的赞誉,包括两项CES最佳表演奖和Tech5被公认为欧洲最佳B2C扩展奖。
除演讲外,Bragi也将参加 5月16-17日举办的2024亚洲音频展,展位位于B区B48,届时欢迎大家莅临展位交流,该展位将在此次展会发布和揭晓多款新产品。
亚洲音频展(Asia Audio Expo),简称 AAE,由我爱音频网发起。亚洲音频展立足现代化国际都市群粤港澳大湾区,是全球影响最为广泛的蓝牙耳机、音频技术展会之一,在亚洲音频业界极负盛名。
得益于专业性强、参展商和观众覆盖精准,亚洲音频展在全球享有相当高的知名度,AAE 现已成为了全球各大蓝牙耳机、音频行业企业发布产品信息和展示最新技术的窗口。
2024亚洲音频展举办时间为 5月16-17日,举办地点为深圳福田会展中心 5号馆,同期还将举办2场峰会,如下。
2024亚洲音频大会, 5月 16 日(周四)
2024 亚洲汽车音频大会,5 月 17 日(周五)